The Dogwood Charter School Story
The idea for Dogwood Charter School sparked in 2019 among a small group of experienced educators and committed parents who envisioned a holistic, hands-on learning environment that could meet the needs of diverse students.
After witnessing the Charlotte Mason educational model in action, the Dogwood Charter School team was moved to take the leap and open a Charlotte Mason-inspired charter school near Pittsburgh, PA. As the project continued, more and more community members came on board to support Dogwood—many of them parents of children who loved to learn yet were not thriving in traditional schools.
A core belief at Dogwood is that a capacity for learning is present in everyone, and the job of education is to cultivate that capacity and give it room to grow while making it clear to students that we expect the best from them and know they are capable of meeting those high expectations.
Dogwood Charter School also believes children are, first and foremost, persons. Because they are persons, they deserve to be treated as such—not as blank slates or clay to be molded, but as real participants in the world as they are now, no matter their age or learning stage.
Charlotte Mason's child-centered approach to education is a refreshing alternative to traditional methods. By focusing on each student's individual needs and interests, we create a dynamic learning environment that encourages curiosity, creativity, and a love of learning. Our secular curriculum, meaning it is not based on religious teachings or beliefs, is designed to inspire and empower students.