
Open enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year opens March 14, 2025.

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Important Information

  • Open Enrollment

    Open enrollment for grades K-8 for the 2025-2026 school year will open on March 14, 2025, and close on April 13, 2025. Post-enrollment applications will follow the lottery.

  • Public Lottery

    If there are more applications than seats, a public lottery will be held on March 14, 2025, to determine who gets a spot and our waitlist order. If there are fewer applications, everyone will be accepted.

  • Claim Your Seat

    Families will have seven (7) days to claim their seat(s). Once confirmed, they will receive a link to complete the registration process, which is due fourteen (14) days after receipt.

“Since coming to Dogwood, I have been amazed and relieved. This is what my children have been craving with their whole being. They are getting the outside time, they are getting the freedom and the flexibility. Which is all well and good, but the truly impressive piece to me is that they are getting all this and an immensely rich education.”

— Parent of Dogwood Charter School Student

 Enrollment FAQs

  • Dogwood Charter School is a public charter school that serves all K-8 students in Pennsylvania.

    DCS is a public charter school located in Bethel Park and is open to all students regardless of race, ethnic background, gender, religion, and/or ability. 

  • Open enrollment is a period of time when applications can be submitted and eligible for a public lottery.

    Our open enrollment period typically opens in January and closes in February.

  • Yes! We continue to accept applications post-enrollment on a rolling basis.

    If there are no seats available, the student will be added to our post-lottery waitlist.

  • After open enrollment closes, if applications exceed available seats, a public lottery is held for all applicable grades to determine which students will fill our available seats and our waitlist order. If there are fewer applications than seats, all students will be accepted.

  • Yes, Dogwood Charter School gives preference to the following groups of students:

    1. Residents of Bethel Park School District

    2. Current DCS Students

    3. Children of Founding Coalition Members, Board of Trustees, and DCS Employees

    4. Siblings of Current DCS Students

    5. Residents of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    This preference applies to open and post enrollment applications as well as our waitlist.

  • After the open enrollment lottery, selected families will have a seven-day window to confirm their child's enrollment.

    For post-enrollment applications, families will have a three-day window to confirm.

    If you do not claim your seat, your offer will expire and be offered to the next student on the waitlist. You may have a chance to reclaim your seat if a spot remains available.

  • To apply for a seat, you need to complete an online application for each student.

    Once you receive an offer for a seat and accept it, you must fill out our enrollment form, which includes a home language survey and a parental registration statement. Additionally, you will need to provide one proof of your child’s age, one proof of residency, and immunization records to finalize the enrollment process.

    If you need assistance or prefer to complete a paper form, please contact our enrollment department at

  • Transportation to and from Dogwood Charter School is provided by your home school district. The type of transportation (bus, van, etc.) and eligibility for transportation are determined by your home school district. Please note that districts may choose not to provide transportation for students who live more than 10 miles from the school.

  • Dogwood Charter School plans to add a grade lebvel each year.